Paper Tray

Geplaatst op 01-11-2013  -  Categorie: Innovaties  -  Auteur: Hein van den Reek

Paper trayFibreForm® tray for sliced meat, fish and cheese. Found in Migros, Aldi and COOP
Producent: Billerud Korsnas
Introductie: november 2013
Inhoud: Sliced meat, fish and cheese
VNV-er: Hein van den Reek

Achtergrond: FibreForm® is a formable paper which can give you up to 65% plastic reduction and up to 75% lower carbon footprint. The base paper comes from BillerudKorsnas. Available in different weight, is printable and can be coated with serveral barriers. The forming is done on traditional forming machines as Multivac, Kiefel and ILLIG. Ter vervanging van: Kunststof thermovorm tray

Materiaal: FiberForm 150g + APET
Bedrukking: Printable




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